Category: Activities

  • Summer School of Religious Studies in Cluj-Napoca, between 7-13 of July 2019

    Summer School of Religious Studies in Cluj-Napoca, between 7-13 of July 2019

    Patristic Studies and Ancient Christian Literature Center and Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy Center Babeș-Bolyai University organize the Summer School of Religious Studies in Cluj-Napoca, between 7-13 of July 2019.

    Two seminars are proposed

    ·     Prof. Herman Teule (Leuven University): The situation of the Christians in the Middle East.

    ·     Prof. Alexander Baumgarten (Babes-Bolyai Univeristy, Cluj): Augustine, De Trinitate.

    The summer school addresses to the master students and to candidates for a doctor’s degree  of humanistic domains. A good knowledge of the English language is required.

    Number of seats: 12.
    Participation fee: 100 lei.
    Each candidate must notify the name of the professor who recommends him/her.

    The participation applications will be received until the 15thof June 2019 at the address: 

    The final list of those admitted will be notified until the 20thof June 2019.

  • The International Symposium „Merciful like the Father”

    The International Symposium „Merciful like the Father”

    The theme of God’s mercifulness – „Merciful like the Father” – was thoroughly studied at an academic level and within an ecumenical context, at Cluj-Napoca, during an International Symposium which was held on the 14thand 15thof October, 2016 in Aula Magna of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University (UBB), in the presence of illustrious professors invited from Rome, Italy and from Romania, of numerous university professors, priests, clerics, consecrated persons, students and numerous lay participants.

    The Symposium works were opened by academician prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop, Ph.D., chancellor of the “Babes-Bolyai”University. His Excellency addressed a warm salute to the distinguished guests and to the entire audience, presenting the “Babeș-Bolyai” University in a few words and mentioning the four faculties of theology which function in this university, “a unique case in Europe as number of faculties of theology”.

    A word of greeting also addressed His Exc. Florentin Crihălmeanu, the Greek-Catholic Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, who mentioned first the special context of the Year of Mercifulness of the Catholic Church, during which this symposium was held having as its them exactly the divine mercifulness, a theme “not just actual and necessary, but which offers us vast approach possibilities”, achieving at the same time a fist thorough study of this subject. A salute accompanied by a blessing sent by His Eminence dr. Andrei Andreicuț, the Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj, during the symposium opening, was delivered by his representative Father prof. Valentin Vesa, Ph.D, who also introduced a reflection on mercifulness.

    The Program continued with paper sessions consisting in lectures and debates on theological-patristic themes chosen by the lecturers.

    Following the organizers’ request, the second day, after the last session, prof. Alin Tat, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology spoke a few words about each topic: „first, father prof. Elmar Salmann OSB, Ph.D. (St. Anselm Pontifical Athenaeum, Vatican), in five symbolic parts translated to us the theme of mercifulness, articulating it with different conceptual aspects but all in a whole version, a very appreciated intervention.

    The following, Ms. prof. Tereza Brândușa Palade, Ph.D. (National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest) who made a connection between ideology and the theme of mercifulness, respectively, mercifulness as a solution to de-politicization and mercifulness also related to an integral vision.”

    Friday afternoon, two conferences followed: father prof. Guido Innocenzo Gargano, Ph.D., OSB Cam. (Oriental Pontifical Institute, Vatican), who, on a spiritual note, evoked some personal experiences related to the theme of mercifulness, of happiness, “be merciful”, remembering the relation with the orthodox monks of Mount Athos, again, a spiritual moment.

    What followed was the conference of father prof. Cristian Barta, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, who gave the theme a local touch because he spoke about the martyrs and confessors of the Greek-Catholic Church of the time of communism.

    Saturday included two conferences: father prof. Michel van Parys, Ph.D., OSB (Chevetogne Monastery, Belgium), who looked over the patristic interpretations of the evangelical parable of the “10 virgins” so that it was not just an erudite presentation of the patristic interpretation but, by the presentation tone, it was also a personal confession.

    At the end we listened to prof. Emmanuel Tourpe, Ph.D. (Institute of Theological Studies, Brussels, Belgium), philosopher, who delighted the audience by saying that: «philosophy starts with wondering and ends still with wondering», just like theology and Christian life.

  • The Symposium “St. Dyonisius theAreopagite. Origins, context, reception”

    The Symposium “St. Dyonisius theAreopagite. Origins, context, reception”

    The “Babeş-Bolyai” University, in cooperation with the Greek-Catholic Romanian Eparchy United with Rome of Cluj-Gherla,with the Cluj, Maramures and Salaj Orthodox Metropolitan See and with the AugustinianumPatristic Institute of Rome (Italy), with the support of the State Secretary for Cults and of the Romanian Embassy to the Holy See and the Maltese Sovereign Military Order, invites those interested in the study of patristic texts (general public and specialists of the field) to a series of lectures and debates on the 16thand 17thof October 2014, at the Cluj University.

    The cycle of conferences based on the theme „St. Dyonisius the Areopagite. Origins, context, reception„ will take place in the Aula Magna, Str. M. Kogălniceanu, no. 1 (Thursday, October 16, between 09.00-13.00 hrs.) and in the „King Ferdinand” Aula of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Str. Napoca, no. 11 (Thursday, October 16, between 15.00-19.30 hrs. and Friday, October 17, between 09.00-13.00 hrs.).

    The event, which will bring to the present ancient thoughts, of almost two thousand years, in order to discover their beauty and spiritual brilliance, will develop in the presence of guests of honor and, at the same time, of lecturers and speakers, in the “new AGORA” which will come to life in the buildings of the Cluj University, like: High Hierarchs of the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches, His Eminence Dr. Andrei Andreicuţ, the Metropolitan Bishop of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj, together with His Grace dr. Florentin Crihălmeanu, Diocesan Bishop of Cluj-Gherla Eparchy; a representative of the Romanian diplomacy, His Excellency dr. Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban, the Romanian Ambassador to the Holy See and the Maltese Sovereign Military Order, as well as distinguished personalities of the university environment: academician prof. Ioan-Aurel Pop, Ph.D., chancellor of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University; ass. Prof. Ovidiu Augustin Ghitta, Ph.D., dean of the faculty of History and Philosophy of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University; father ass. prof. Cristian Barta, Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University; father prof. Vasile Stanciu, Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University; prof. Corin Braga, Ph.D., dean of the Faculty of Letters of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University; prof. John M. Rist, Ph.D., of the Augustinianum Patristic Institute of Rome; father prof. Philipp G. Renczes SJ, Ph.D., of the GregorianaPontifical University of Rome; and prof. Sever J. Voicu, Ph.D., of the Augustinianum Patristic Institute of Rome.

    This series of lectures and debates aim to create a space of reflection on philosophical and theological-patristic themes, with an intercultural, multidisciplinary and multiconfessional character

    „‘Who does not know that a dwarf sitting on the back of a giant has a wider horizon and sees farther than the giant himself?’, wrote Jean Daillè in 1632, concluding that ‘the greatest part of the dwarf’s knowledge is owed to the giant’.

    “May that the reflection on the Christian thinking of the first centuries potentiates in us the impression of feeling like some dwarves carried by a giant”, prompted Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect emeritus of the Congregation of Eastern Churches, inducement which may also be addressed to the participants in the program dedicated to the thinking of the Church Fathers, particularly to St. Dyonisius the Areopagite, philosopher born in Athens who became, after year 51, apprentice of St. Apostle Paul.

  • Elements of patristic christology (centuries I-VII)

    Elements of patristic christology (centuries I-VII)

    The Augustinianum Institute of Patristic Studies (Rome), in cooperation with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca: the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, but also with the support of A.G.R.U. and A.S.T.R.U., invite those interested in Patristic Studies (general public and specialists of the field) to a series of lectures and debates which will be periodically organized at the Cluj university during the following two years.

    This meeting, the fourth, is occasioned by the conference on the theme: “Elements of Patristic Christology (centuries I-VII)”, held by the Vice-Dean of the “Augustinianum”Institute of Patristic Studies (Rome), Father Prof. Rocco Ronzani O.S.A. The Conference will be held Friday, May 16, 11.30 hrs., in the “François Chamoux” Hall of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Kogălniceanu St., no.1, of Cluj-Napoca.

    The intention of organizing a series of lectures and debates to which the above mentioned conferences are aligned and which will each time occasion meetings with well known specialists in patristic studies – is to create in the city a space of reflection on patristic and philosophical themes, with an intercultural, multidisciplinary and multiconfessional character

  • Paideia or on the education of the young

    Paideia or on the education of the young

    The AugustinianumInstitute of Patristic Studies (Rome), in cooperation with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca: the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, but also with the support of A.G.R.U. and A.S.T.R.U., invite those interested in Patristic Studies (general public and specialists of the field) to a series of lectures and debates which will be periodically organized at the Cluj university during the following two years.

    This meeting (the third one) is occasioned by the conference on the following theme: „Paideia or on the education of the young” in the thinking of Saint John Chrysostom, held by professor Gian Franco Saba, Doctor of the AugustinianumInstitute of Patristic Studies (Rome), presently professor of Patrology of the Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Sardinia.

    The Conference will be held Wednesday, the 24thof April 2013, 12.00 hrs. in the “Nicolae Ivan” Hall of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Avram Iancu Square, no. 18 of Cluj-Napoca.

    Thursday, April 25, 2013, 12.00 hrs., a second conference will be held by professor Robert Dodaro, Dean of the AugustinianumInstitute of Patristic Studies of Rome on the theme „St. Augustine’s Political Thinking”, in the “Teofil Herineanu” Hall of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Avram Iancu Square, no. 18 of Cluj-Napoca.

    The intention of organizing a series of lectures and debates initiated by the above mentioned conferences – which will each time occasion meetings with well known specialists in patristic studies – is to create in the city a space of reflection on patristic and philosophical themes, with an intercultural, multidisciplinary and multiconfessional character

  • Two conferences on Origen at Cluj

    Two conferences on Origen at Cluj

    The Augustinianum Institute of Patristic Studies of Rome, in cooperation with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca: the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, but also with the support of A.G.R.U. and A.S.T.R.U., invite those interested in Patristic Studies – general public and specialists of the field – to a series of lectures and debates which will be periodically organized at the Cluj university during the following two years.

    The second meeting is occasioned by the conference on Origen of Alexandria, a „pioneer” of theology, held by professor Giuseppe Caruso, of the “Augustinianum” Institute of Patristic Studies (Rome).

    The Conference will be held Tuesday, 24thof April 2012, 1800hrs., in the Ferdinand Hall of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Str. Napoca, no. 11, Cluj-Napoca.

    The same location will host Wednesday, the 25thof April 2012, 1100hrs., the second conference themed „Introduction to the Origenian treaty On Principles”, held by the same prof. Giuseppe Caruso.

    All those passionate of patristic studies – having a theological, philosophical, historical background and also experts of the classical languages – students, graduates, professors or general public wishing to be initiated in this field are invited to participate in these events. The intention of organizing a series of lectures and debates initiated by the above mentioned conferences – which will each time occasion meetings with well known specialists in patristic studies – is to create in the city a space of reflection on patristic themes, with an intercultural, multidisciplinary and multiconfessional character.

  • Event meetings for patristics lovers

    Event meetings for patristics lovers

    The Augustinianum Institute of Patristic Studies of Rome, in cooperation with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca: the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, but also with the support of A.G.R.U. and A.S.T.R.U., invite those interested in Patristic Studies – general public and specialists of the field – to a series of lectures and debates which will be periodically organized at the Cluj university during the following two years.

    The first meeting is occasioned by the conference “Identity and diversity in ancient Christianity (I-III centuries)” read by the reputed professor Angelo Di Berardino of the Augustinianum Institute of Patristic Studies, author of the books: Patrology, I Padri latini da Nicea a Costantinopoli (Casale Monferrato 1978-2000), Nuovo Dizionario Patristico e di Antichita Cristiane (Roma 2006-2008), Storia della teologia. Epoca patristica (Casale Monferrato 1992), Dizionario di letteratura patristica (Milano 2007), Atlante dell’antichita cristiana (Bologna 2010).

    The Conference will be held Thursday, 24thof November 2011, 1700hrs., in the Ferdinand Hall of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Str. Napoca, no. 11, Cluj-Napoca.

    The same location will host Friday, the 25thof November 2011, 1100hrs., the Seminar themed „How to read a patristic text?”, held by the same prof. Angelo Di Berardino, but also by prof. Robert Dodaro, Dean of the Augustinianum Institute of Patristic Studies, author of the books: Augustine and his Critics, Essays in Honor of Gerald Bonner (London-New York 2000), Augustine: Political Writings (Cambridge 2001), Christ and the Just Society in the Thought of Augustine (Cambridge 2004).

    All those passionate of patristic studies – having a theological, philosophical, historical background and also experts of the classical languages – students, graduates, professors or general public wishing to be initiated in this field are invited to participate in these events. The intention of organizing a series of lectures and debates initiated by the above mentioned conference and seminar – which will each time occasion meetings with well known specialists in patristic studies – is to create in the city a space of reflection on patristic themes, with an intercultural, multidisciplinary and multiconfessional character.